Happy Canada Day! Now known, in
our home, as Happy
We-Bought-A-Home-on-Vancouver-Island Day! It is surreal that a whole year
has passed since we arrived in British Columbia and signed on the dotted line.
It seems like forever ago, and it seems like only yesterday, that Keev and I
and the two furbabies jammed as much as we could into the RAV and headed across
the country on a wing and a prayer, hoping that we were making the right
So, it is right that I take stock
of my life on this day. Two years ago, around this same time, I said goodbye to
a profession I thoroughly enjoyed. I committed to writing as a career and have
no regrets. Perhaps a lingering love for the job I left behind turned my
creative mind towards Lizzy's and, now Mags', story. All I know is YA is a
genre I'm passionate about, both in reading and writing. It's not entirely
surprising considering I worked with teen novels when teaching and consulting.
I also delved extensively into the genre when I taught for York University,
working with teachers to engage adolescents through the marriage of drama and
While I have not queried as
widely as many I know, I am well into the process. I am pleased that about 20%
have requested my full manuscript and several others have asked for partials. A
better response than some of my writer friends have had, not as good a response
as others I know. Regardless, for me it is affirming. I only submitted to those
agents I would feel good working with, based on their online presence and/or
interviews. To have any of them express interest is a boost to this writer's
morale. I have no idea where this writing road leads, but I am enjoying the
journey. So, check, my mind is well stimulated.
This home we landed a year ago is
a pastoral paradise. I thought I was a city girl but it turns out the young
country girl in me was ready to resume her position. I like being outdoors,
working in the yard, weeding the garden, and taking long walks. Even when
writing, I am positioned to look out the window at farm fields and the mountains.
All of the exercise and fresh air is balanced by a calm, a peace that has
settled within me. Amazing. So, check, I am in a healthy place both physically
and mentally.
Our neighbours are not just the
best neighbours anyone could ask for, they've also quickly become our friends.
It is exciting to have new people to get to know, new stories to hear and new
experiences to share. On the flip side of that, dear friends from Ontario and Montreal
have visited. We laughed, reminisced…maybe drank a little too much wine… and
felt the bittersweet melancholy of saying farewell to people we love. But, we
are fortunate as there are folks who live on the island who beat us here. People
who shared our old lives and are now a regular part of our new lives, and are
also very dear to us. They always take the time to visit with us when they
truck up and down the island. So, check, socially and emotionally, the friendship
trough is filled to the brim.
And, of course, there's Keev and
the furbabies. Always, first and foremost, forever, Keev and the furbabies. Check,
my heart is full.
My inventory is complete. Life is
good, the old and the new blending seamlessly to create a life full of contentment.
Now, I must go join my friends on the deck and raise a glass of bubbly to
celebrate. Happy
We-Bought-A-Home-on-Vancouver-Island…er…I mean…Happy Canada Day!
The best little cross-country travellers. |