Saturday, 14 May 2016

“You can experience the same thing over and over again but how you feel about it will never be the same as the first.” ― Lik Hock Yap Ivan

I've been pondering firsts lately. Possibly because, in writing YA, I am engaged in creating many firsts. First kiss, first job, first love. As I've reflected back on my own youth even those harsh firsts—first heartache, first loss of friendship, first time living alone and being lonely—bring a gentle melancholy, a soft smile.

Dear friends of ours had to say goodbye to their little furbaby last week. Sophi, a beautiful little spirit, has been a part of their lives for fifteen years. I have thought about them all week and about how they too are living through firsts. The first night, the first morning, the first walk without her. As of today, they have passed the first week without her in their days. Those firsts are agonizing.

There are still landmark firsts to face like first month, first birthday and first year when the loss will bring a fresh surge of pain. But, our hearts have a way of easing it over time. Eventually, memories of Sophi will bring that gentle melancholy and soft smile.
Firsts. So bittersweet.

The incomparable Sophi.


  1. So sorry about Sophi. I hope their first hasn't been too miserable.

    1. Thanks Spesh. I'm glad they have each other. While loss is a very personal thing, it is also comforting to know that feelings are shared. The little poop was loved, no doubt about it. And, deservedly so. She was a sweetie.

  2. {{{{{hugs}}}}} for you loss!

    1. Zan Marie,

      I know you get how important fur kids are. Thanks for the hugs. When they pop on the blog they will see them and, no doubt, be warmed by a stranger who cares. :-)


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