Thursday, 30 August 2018

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Every once in a while, I catch a hint of fall on the mid-afternoon breeze. The evenings are cooling down quicker and the nights are getting a touch chillier. As autumn gently eases in, a sense of excitement grows within me. Renewal. Beginnings. Possibilities.

Maybe, it’s because for two thirds of my life I headed off to school each September. As a student, as a teacher, and as a principal, each new year was filled with anticipation. There was always so much to look forward to—new people, new learning, new experiences. The nerves days prior, the sleepless night before, and even the anxiety as I drew close to the school, were all part of the hype of a new year.

Conversely, it was also a return to the mundane and the predictable. Everything became scheduled. You knew when you’d be in motion and when you’d be sedentary. Even your body readjusted to timing the sating of simple physical needs like eating and using the washroom. And there was comfort in that, in knowing what comes next, in being back in routine. There was also satisfaction in it. I knew, without a doubt, I was going to accomplish something each and every day.

This week marks the fifth fall since my last return to a new school year, yet I still respond the same way. After a whirlwind summer of visitors, social outings, and many fabulous outdoor adventures, I am excited and ready to restructure my days and get back into the groove. My pencils are sharpened. My laptop is charged. Story lines are unrolling and I am anxious to get them down.

For me, autumn is not the beginning of the end of a year, but the first shiny season of a new one. May it be the same for you. Happy fall everyone!


  1. What a great way to welcome the new season!

  2. I've been longing for autumn ever since June, when the temperatures became unbearable (nearly 40 degrees in July and August). Autumn is definitely my favorite season, when it's cool but not cold, when the light takes on a different quality and when you can finally wrap yourself up in scarves again and drink tea without melting into a boiling puddle on the floor.
    I'm looking very much forward to finding out what results your sharpened pencils and your charged laptop bring, story-wise! Best wishes and good luck for all your endeavours!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! It has been a hot summer, even more so over on your side of the pond. I am back working on a new series and it feels good! Happy fall!

  3. Fall is my favorite. I'm loving the cooler nights.


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