Saturday, 2 April 2016

Somethin's Gotta Give

I apologize to those of you who take the time to find me out here in cyber world, but it's a non-blog week. DH and I tackled the 800 square foot deck this week. Sanding and staining has been a time-consuming task. And, when I'm not knee-deep in Cedar tone #2053, I am busy with the revision.
However, I don't want you to leave disappointed. I give you the girls for your viewing pleasure. See you next week!


  1. Take care! Construction isn't for the faint of heart. ;-)

  2. Post pictures of the deck when you're done!

  3. While I'm looking forward to hearing again from you soon, your girls are so cute :) Best of luck with the construction and revision! Oh, and since I've been wondering for some time: Where do you get all those beautiful quotes from that you use as headline for each blog post (e.g. the one by Alan Rickman)?

  4. Nicole,

    I rarely start with the quote in mind (although it has happened a few times.) After I write a blog piece, I analyze it for an anchoring theme. Then I type that theme in Google along with the word "quote" and see what comes up. Sometimes it takes a while to get the right fit, but it's always fun reading the selection anyway.

  5. Thanks, Spesh and Zan Marie. We're not constructing the beast, thankfully, just sanding and staining. Lots to be done at the new house! But you both relate to that with the projects you take on.


A huge part of publishing a book is promotion. If researching a story is a rabbit hole, creating promo material is a black hole. There is an...