Saturday, 4 July 2015

O Canada

I often think about my blessed life. I'm in good health. I live with a man I admire, respect and love. I cuddle each day with sweet little pups. I am surrounded by kind and generous friends. I have enjoyed a successful career and can indulge in exploring yet another one. I am also graced with the cognitive ability to accomplish things on an academic level and have the fortitude to face the unknown and to see tasks through.

On the heels of Canada Day, I am contemplating the full bounty of the gift that is my life. Through luck or destiny, I was born in a country that allows these blessings. Access to good health care and education is an incredible luxury. The freedom to choose who I love and spend my time with, and the right to choose my path and expect respect as a woman, are not things to be taken lightly.

I have always recognized that I live in a wonderful country, but our journey across its vast expanse has made me appreciate it even more. Canada, the land, is as varied as its people. It is spectacular, breathtaking, awe-inspiring. O Canada, with glowing heart, I have seen thee rise…and you are beautiful. Thank you Fate, for the gift of my home. May it forever be, strong and free.



  1. Lovely! Coming on the heels of July 4th, I appreciate the depth of your love for you native land. May both countries grow in grace and peace.

  2. What a lovely post, and the pictures are beautiful!

  3. Yeah, what Rose said!!! ;)

    May I polish your horseshoes??


  4. Nicole, thanks for dropping by. I hope you are enjoying some R & R now.

  5. Jayne! So good to see you here. As for the horseshoes, they seem to be lodged firmly.

  6. Rose, what is R&R?

    Did you put a new anti-spam verification on your blog? I just had to mark all pictures with a sandwich in them, which was quite fun :)

  7. R & R is rest and relaxation. :0) Is there a German equivalent short form? No new spam filter, nor verification, so I'm not sure why you had to do anything.


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