I too have started to gather random
bits to build a nest of sorts of my own. I flew into the vast blue skies of
Twitter this week. It is an immense universe, filled with so many voices that I
am overwhelmed by the cacophony. I have panicked, fluttering frantically, a hummingbird
trying to stay airborne in the updraft of sound. That was when I knew I needed
a safe place and the comfort of familiar murmurs of support. I turned to my
cyber friends.
While I still do not understand hashtag (It sounds like a stoner’s game
from the 70’s), how to find the writing connections I am seeking or why the
Twitter trend suggestions think I could possibly be interested in Justin Bieber’s
love life, my friends have said hello, they have followed me and they have favourited
my two sad little peeps. And, they wait in the wings, ready to give advice when
I am done playing and am ready to truly soar.
In the same vein as it takes a
village to raise a child, I am discovering it takes a community to build a
nest. Thank you to all of my writer friends and friends of writers for lending
a helping hand. I will continue to collect and weave in the odds and ends,
until I have a solid, comfy nest where I will sit and transpose the discord
into symphony and tweet my own sweet sounds to the world.
(Singing from the treetops @roserambles1)