In an effort to support those on a similar journey, I
have compiled a list of sites that I have read, or continue to follow, that contain
support for the query writer. I hope it is helpful.
Happy spring. Don’t forget to stop and feel the season as you journey toward
your own sun.
- Must-Read Posts at BookEnds Literary Agency (Besides the archived posts, the ongoing blog is very helpful.)
- Pub Rants at Nelson Literary Agency (The search feature is fantastic.)
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent (Contains a plethora of advice and examples. It is also entertaining.)
- Query Shark (Learn from others or be brave and send in your own.)
- Nathan Bransford (Good overview on how to write a query letter.)
- (Advice and as well examples are provided.)
- Writer’s Digest (This is a good compilation site.)
- Miss Snark (Here, you will find archived gems.)
- Rachelle Gardner at Books and Such Literary Agency (Archived advice and the blog at the agency is helpful too.)
- Jane Freidman (This site has another good overview.)